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7 Shocking ways to get Natural Fair skin with lemon

Shocking ways to get natural fair skin with lemon
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7 Shocking ways to get natural fair and glowing skin with lemon 🍋

There are many ways to get natural fair and glowing skin using different methods, but today I am going to show you the 7 ways to natural fair and glowing skin with lemon.

1. Lemon water -

As simple as mixing lemon with water, can be a great way to get a fairer and glowing skin. Start your day by sipping on lemon water. The citric acid in lemons helps brighten skin and the Vitamin C will help even out your skin tone.

2.  Using Lemon beauty mask - 

It is very easy to make a beauty mask using lemon, just mix lemon juice, honey, and yogurt to create a homemade beauty mask. Apply it to your face and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing off.

3. Lemon body scrub -

 Using a scrub helps to brighten out your skin, and helps get rid of dark spots.

Exfoliate your skin with a lemon body scrub made using sugar, olive oil, and fresh lemon juice. Use it all over your body to slough off dead skin cells and reveal brighter skin.

Incase you don't have all the ingredients used for making the scrub, just mix lemon and sugar in a way that the sugar comes out in the mixture, which makes a perfect scrub, use it to scrub your skin.

Check out: 23 mind blowing uses of lemon 

4. Use Lemon facial toner - 

A toner's job is meant to gradually refresh your skin without stripping it of its natural moisture. This means that a toner won't irritate sensitive skin or cause excessive dryness. Toner also prepares the skin to drink up your post-cleansing moisturizer and any other skin treatments that you may apply.

Create a natural facial toner by mixing equal parts lemon juice and water. Apply it to your face with a cotton ball after cleansing, and allow it to dry

5. Using Lemon-infused lotion -

 Keep your skin hydrated by making your own lemon-infused lotion. Simply add a few drops of lemon essential oil to your favorite lotion and mix properly.

6. Lemon lip balm  - 

Lemon lips balm helps to moisturize dry, chapped lips. By using a homemade lemon lip balm, the dryed lips becomes moisturized. To make the lip balm, Mix together beeswax, shea butter, coconut oil, and lemon essential oil to create a moisturizing balm that will also leave your lips looking plump and juicy.

7. Eating skin moisturizer diet -

 Eat foods that are high in Vitamin C to promote fairer skin from the inside out. Fill up on citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines; bell peppers; kale; broccoli; strawberries; tomatoes; and potatoes, these foods and fruits all helps to get a fairer skin.

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