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23 Most Shocking Use Of Lemon

23 shocking uses of lemon-

 23 Shocking uses of lemon and lime you Never Knew


If you're a fan of lemon and lime drinks, you might not have known that they are useful for many other reasons. 

Lemon and lime are citrus fruits that are packed with vitamin C, fiber, and other nutrients.

Here are 23 most shocking uses for lemons  you might have never known of;

1. Lemons prevents the growth of Bacteria;

 Freshly squeezed lemon juice can help to prevent the growth of bacteria on your knife or cutting board. If you use a knife to cut an orange, it automatically prevents or kills the bacteria on the knife.

2.Prevention of Acne:

 You can put it on your face to prevent acne. Rubbing Lemon on your face, helps to prevent acne because of the acidic nature, which helps to reduce the Excess oil on your face.

3.Enhances food Digestion; 

It also helps with indigestion by soothing the lining of your stomach. Taking lemon after eating is a great way to enhance your digestion.

4.Lemon helps in treating arthritis:

 Lemon helps with relieving arthritis pain because it has anti-inflammatory property that reduce inflammation in joints associated with stiffness and swelling due to rheumatism or gout attacks caused by uric acid buildup in joints. Use a glass of water and add one tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir well and drink it down quickly before it starts to turn into an alcoholic beverage. You should feel relief after drinking this mixture.
(This mixture should be taken twice a day for 2 weeks in order to get the most benefit from it.)

5.Helps in neutralising Blood Sugar; 

The acidic nature of lemon juice also helps neutralize high blood sugar levels associated with such conditions as diabetes mellitus type 1 (juvenile onset), type 2 (adult onset) or gestational diabetes in women who already have high blood sugar levels due to pregnancy complications like preeclampsia or gestational hypertension which causes premature delivery."

6.Their Peels helps in reducing blood cholesterol;

 The peel of a lemon or lime contains a large amount of pectin—a substance found in many fruits and vegetables that helps to lower blood cholesterol levels by binding bile acids released by the liver down to your bloodstream. This means that if you're trying to lose weight or prevent heart disease, Lemons are a great addition to your diet. 

7. They can be used as Energy Drinks;

 You can use them as part of an energy-boosting drink or smoothie recipe; just make sure not to eat too much at once because they'll cause stomach upset if eaten raw (which is why it is preferable to add them into desserts).

8. They are a great source of vitamins;

 Lemon and lime are a great source of vitamin C. Just one lemon contains a considerable amount of vitamin C's which is perfect for source of vitamin C.

Related: Crazy benefits of lime that'll shock you

9. Lemons enhance beauty; 

lemons are great for your skin and hair. Using lemon on your skin makes your skin glow, and become fairer

Check out this post on how to use lemon to Get fairer skin in 2 days

10. They are used in cosmetics; 

lemons are also used as fragrances (as well as essential oils), soaps and other personal care items, for germs prevention and as fragrances.

11. They are used for cleaning; 

Lemons are great for cleaning anything from tables to floors! Just rub the Lemon over areas that need scrubbing before washing with soap & water; it will leave them smelling fresh for weeks! 

If you don't have time for this step during your morning routine but still want some freshness around town before heading out on errands: Apply some lemon oil directly onto surfaces using cotton swabs, let sit overnight then rinse off completely with warm water.

12. Ease nausea;

Lemon juice or lemons itself is a great way to ease nausea. It can be used in food, drink and water. You can also make lemonade by adding water to the juice of lemons or limes (or both).

If you have morning sickness or feel nauseous at all times of day, try drinking a glass of fresh-squeezed homemade lemonade ( lemon + water ) every morning before breakfast. This will help ease your symptoms and give you an energy boost!

13. Help control blood pressure;

It's well known that citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are good for your heart, but did you know that lemons can also help lower blood pressure?

Lemons are a great source of potassium, which is essential to maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Additionally, they're rich in vitamin C (which helps maintain proper calcium levels) and fiber—both of which are linked to lowering high blood pressure.

 Studies have shown that adding 1 cup or more of lemon  juice each day could lower your risk for chronic disease by up to 30%.

If you're looking for an all-natural way to reduce your risk of high blood pressure (or any other health condition), try adding fresh limes or lemons into some salads instead of cheese.

14. It helps to keep your liver healthy

The liver is a vital organ that helps to control blood sugar, cholesterol and other substances in your body. It also filters out toxins from the blood stream.

Lemons can be used as a natural supplement to help your liver function better by helping you detoxify the body naturally. Also by regulating blood sugar, Lemons help in keeping your liver healthy

15. Freshen up a kitchen sponge or garbage disposal;

Use lemon juice to clean your kitchen sponge, this makes it bacteria-free and less containing germs

Use lemon juice to clean your garbage disposal.; Also helps in making your garbage disposals bacteria-free

Don't use lemon or lime juice on stainless steel surfaces, aluminum surfaces, or copper surfaces.

16.  Use Lemon in preventing kidney stones

You may have heard that lemons are good for your health, but did you know they're also great at preventing kidney stones?

Lemon fruits are rich in citric acid, which is known to dissolve calcium oxalate crystals that can form in the kidneys. When ingested regularly and combined with weight loss, exercise and other lifestyle changes, the juice can help prevent them from forming in the first place—but if any do start growing (which happens more often than we'd like), it helps stop them from getting bigger or harder than normal.

In addition to their anti-kidney stone properties, lemons  contain a lot of vitamin C's—which has been shown time and time again not only by scientists but also by myself as someone who just drinks this stuff every day!

17. Clean your cutting board or wooden utensils;

Lemon juice can be used to clean your cutting board or wooden utensils.

Lemon lime juice can be used to clean your wooden utensils, too!  The acid in lemon  will help remove the dirt that builds up on your cutting boards over time, so they're a great way of keeping them looking nice without spending money on expensive cleaners (or worse—those silly little scrubbies that never seem to do what they should).

18. Clean up grease stains on clothes or counters

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of grease stains, lemon and lime juice can help. The acidity in the fruit will dissolve the grease, leaving your clothing or countertop stain-free.

To make this cleaning method even easier, simply sprinkle some baking soda on the stain before applying any citrus juice (lemon, orange or lime) and letting it sit for a few minutes (1-2 hours works best). Next, rinse with cold water until all traces have been removed; then wash as normal!

19. Relieve a sore throat

When it comes to sore throats, lemons  are a great choice. While some people might think that the acidic nature of these fruits would cause further irritation, they're actually great for relieving pain and swelling due to their anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, they can also act as an antiseptic if used in combination with other natural ingredients like honey or garlic.

20. Get rid of warts (Sure!)

A word of caution before we get started: Don't apply lemon juice directly onto your skin. You don't want to irritate your warts by rubbing them raw, so make sure that you're using cotton balls or gauze pads instead.

Apply some lemon juice to a cotton ball and place it on top of your wart for about 16 minutes each day. If you don't see results in a few weeks, stop treatment and see a doctor immediately!

21. Help remove splinters and treat bug bites, too! (Sure!)

Just in case you need to remove a splinter from your finger or pull out an insect bite, try this.

Apply lemon juice directly to the location of the splinter.

Next, apply lemon juice around that area where you have been bitten by an insect or stung by something else. Leave it on for 10 minutes (or as long as it takes for your skin to heal).

Finally apply another layer of lemon juice on top of what was already there—this will help prevent infection and inflammation from happening again in the future!

22. Freshen your laundry (or just a smelly shirt)

You can easily keep your laundry smelling fresh by adding a few drops of lemon juice to it. Lemons are great at removing stains, so they’re perfect for cleaning up any clothing that seems stained or has gotten dirty—and who wants to smell like cheese or sweat when they step out of their clothes?

Lemon juice is also a natural fabric softener, which means that not only will it help remove stains from your T-shirts and socks, but it will also make all those garments feel softer on contact with your skin. 

Just add about three tablespoons (15 ml) of lemon juice into the washing machine as you normally would; this works well for both whites and colored fabrics!

23. Reduce risk of stroke

If you're looking to reduce your risk of stroke, lemons fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is important for the regulation of collagen, which is important for blood vessel walls. Citrus fruits also contain potassium, which helps dilate blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

The health benefits of lemons  are quite extensive

Lemons  are known for their vitamin C content, which has been shown to help lower blood pressure. In fact, lemons  contain more vitamin C than an orange! They also contain dietary fiber, which can help regulate your digestion and reduce the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

The antioxidants found in lemons  have been linked with a reduced risk of cancer as well as an improved immune system—and they're often used in natural remedies such as teas or creams .


Now that you know the many ways lemons  can help your health, it’s time to start using them in your daily life! 

You can make a fruit salad, add them to your water, or even use them as an essential oil on your skin. 

The possibilities are endless (and delicious). It’s easy to start incorporating this fruit into your diet today—you just need some fresh Lemon fruit and water (or juice) on hand…or maybe just a little faith in human ingenuity!


  1. Good job bro👍
    Your posts are always informative

    1. Thanks Emmanuel 🙂
      I'm glad you found it helpful.

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